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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Each blessing of knowledge is for living a righteous life.

One life is certain to attain an eternity & immortality from an original purity of both blood & body into one pure system.  Each generation of adultery has made extremely impossible but the nature has always blessed all in the beginning of life that a certain high intellectual creature which refers to mankind would succeed to attain the goal even all obstacles try to stop & ruin its highest possibility.
The only knowledge of making the same old mistakes is to avoid of having & eating their own same species of seed, semen, blood & flesh including bodily fluids & organs of both humankind & animals simply & chemically because of increasing the innermost toxicity & mental disturbances at the darkest side effects as out of control, insanity, anger, rage, jealousy, greed, lie, trick, sarcasm, hate, hurt, harm, all evil & vicious killings through infanticide, patricide, matricide, fratricide, genocide, homicide & finally suicide is left at the end to decide for taking each own life.

Where all the rest of those million & billion sperms go after only one sperm can succeed with an egg for making a new life.  They dwell elsewhere within their compatible level in fluid of blood & organs.

If the fact could early indicate of storing a constant hungry living creature in millions & billions for mistakenly believing them as a stubborn fat in each genetic form with a good excuse & etc.

Yet each sperm is either for creating a new life or ceasing & combining with other cell in contact with them.

Each presumed stubborn fat turns into a firm potbelly from instances accumulatively.

Life is seemingly enjoyable for being jolly to live from all around the same block of big potbelly.

Depression is not for living a real life & it is neither a decent solution to face it every single moment.

An excellent example of all is from each good exercise, a better exercise & the best exercise.

Internally, a working male body system needs all natural clean & pure nutrients as aligned for them.

Similarly, a working female body system needs an extra warm & fresh nutrients like their male partner.

Water takes up 70% in each human body, don't forget to replenish it back daily from drinking at least 8 times 8 fluid oz. (cup) of water or juices.

Knowledge is the best medicine while applying to each needed area is solely from each individual work.

Above all the natural diet, the best medicine is honey in life to assist each health all the time.

Both views in education & thought to create a healthy mind, body, soul & spirit are the key to a successful life.  The impossibilities are man-made from each individual potentiality in every possibility to disable them.

An universal, unconditional & understanding love & light are walking & working for each & every winner to win in each own precious time of life.  Live each life healthily, fruitfully, happily, peacefully & eternally.

Life is never too far away when an eternity & immortality are each very own view of destination.